Adding Basic Authentication to a Subdirectory on SpinupWP
SpinupWP is a great hosting platform for people who want to own their own cloud servers, but not have to worry about running a web stack. It also has a […]
SpinupWP is a great hosting platform for people who want to own their own cloud servers, but not have to worry about running a web stack. It also has a […]
HashCheck is the quickest and easiest way to verify downloaded files on Windows. Originally developed at, HashCheck was left to languish for since 2009 until @gurnec took over stewardship […]
Bang this into cmder. mkdir %CMDER_ROOT%\config\.ssh and then this ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f %CMDER_ROOT%\config\.ssh\id_ed25519 Which will output something like this: Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter passphrase […]