I’ve just stumbled across Tanfa while reading Doug bowman’s blog else. If, like me, you’re trying to wrap your head around CSS positioning, layout and ditching tables you may find this site very useful. If you know of any other useful resources please leave a comment.
I think I’m finally getting to grips with CSS positioning. It’s been a long hard slog (cos I’m lazy) but I think it’s all beginning to sink in. HUZZAH! The trick seems to be to stick absolutely positioned stuff in relative blocks. I’m sure I read this somewhere… PIE I think. Anyway, it really does…
I’ve really got to get around to trying Panther on my girlfriend’s iBook. It’s currently running 10.1 (pussy cat?) and I think that although pretty it sucks as a general use OS. Who know, maybe I’ve been Bill’s Bitch too long? ANYWAY, my main reasoning behind wanting to try it out is so I can…
Look, I know everyone in the world is American and lives in America, but please, at least give us poor non-Americans the ability to set the date the way we like. Please? In fact, an even better idea might be to have adopted ISO 8601 otherwise known as the International Standard Date and Time Format.…
FIRST POST! YEEEEEAH! Well it’s my first ever, and now you all know I’m a nerd, oh well *shrug*. Thought I’d see what all the kerfuffle was about with Blogger and stuff, so I clicked a coupla styled buttons and graphics and here it is. It really is stupidly easy to setup (if this actually…