I’m sure the developers at TeamViewer did this the very first time they had their software up and running, but hey, this is the most fun you can have with their software bar none 😉 Just to explain, I connected remotely to a machine of mine, then, from that machine a friend of mine. Finally,…
Nearly two weeks ago I attended i40, or “Insomnia 40” to give it its full title, a LAN gaming event run by Multiplay UK. It is my once-a-year event where I can play computer games for as long as I like for four days. This year I decided that I would have a small computer…
I’m an avid amateur (digital) photographer, although I don’t get an awful lot of time nowadays (young children will do that to your “free time”) so anything that can save me time and hassle is always welcome. Adobe’s Lightroom 3 software is just one of those things.
There’s been a lot of oooo-ing and ahhhh-ing over Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty and I can’t resist it any longer. So please excuse me while I go and buy it 😀
I can be slightly OCD sometimes and unnecessary spaces at the ends of lines really bug me – especially in InDesign and HTML. To sooth my furrowed brow I turned to the trusty old find and replace function
I wanted to make ‘Allow pings and comments’ default to OFF in WordPress and couldn’t find the option so Google showed me a nice little time saver here – then I found these options somewhere in the WordPress admin interface 😛
Link: Clearfix CSS Hack Thanks to Jeff Starr for this /* slightly enhanced, universal clearfix hack */ .clearfix:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: ” “; clear: both; height: 0; } .clearfix { display: inline-block; } /* start commented backslash hack \*/ * html .clearfix { height: 1%; } .clearfix { display: block;…
Link: jsTree jQuery Draggable, Reorderable Tree – looks like it’s pretty much the best one around currently. Anyone know of a better one?
Link: Fantastic Date Range Picker using jQuery UI This would be great as a WordPress plugin for the admin area – I don’t have the requisite skills to make it, but does anyone feel like stepping up to the plate or has anyone already done this?
@jquery jQTouch – A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, and other devices. jqtouch.com I actually quite like the idea of this working in modal windows for website preferences – one problem, it only works (properly) in webkit sigh It works wonderfully in Chrome 🙂