Thanks to Wojtek Dmyszewicz on StackOverflow for saving me time and frustration when I ran into [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error while working with MariaDB at the command line. The solution is to list all currently running MariaDB processes, which call themselves ‘mysql’ for compatibility with MySQL: This will output some results, such…
Creating WordPress sites on a $5/month VPS such as DigitalOcean with EasyEngine is incredibly rapid. Installing EasyEngine is a single command and then setting up a WordPress site with the following features is another single command.
I was getting a B rating when testing my newly Let’s Encrypted site with Qualys SSL Labs. The solution was to add a strong DH group to NGINX – here’s how to do it.
Updated for 2017-10-31 When developing websites, I’ve found it incredibly useful to be able to run, or install, multiple versions of Firefox on the same computer, side-by-side, simultaneously, concurrently – whatever you want to call it. When it comes to testing, it’s always sensible to see how things are going to be displaying in future…
A Windows 10 Pro machine at work, that had been upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro, was refusing the 2015 “November” update and also wouldn’t install the UK language pack. This greatly distressed the graphic designer since it swapped the ” and @ symbols around on his keyboard and stopped him from typing £ easily (thanks…
A personal reference copied from
I just had a question of how to disable Windows 8.1 hot corners and the charms bar from a desktop user running multiple monitors. A quick bit of google-fu brought up the solution.
This is just great: MySQL Search & Replace Really very handy when migrating WordPress from .com to .org. Just be sure to grab the latest code link. Thanks Eric Amundson!
Ever since they came out in CS4, I’ve been fascinated by GREP styles and the amazing things you can do with them. The problem One small part of what I do involves setting a mixed Chinese/English publication and I have been on the look out to find some way to use just one base paragraph…
I used to think this is my own fault but really, I’m not that intensive a user on my phone. From the information provided below I’d say it’s more of a wifi hardware/software issue. I’m not complaining about Cyanogenmod specifically, as reading around it seems that a lot of smartphones (not just Android-based) suffer from…