SpinupWP is a great hosting platform for people who want to own their own cloud servers, but not have to worry about running a web stack. It also has a simple feature in the dashboard to enable Basic Authentication for an entire website domain. It cannot, however, do this for just a specific subdirectory (or…
Install libwebp first: Convert all the PNGs to WEBP and touch them to have the same datetime as the original PNG files. Then delete the original PNG files. Putting it alltogether Possible improvements (that I’ll probably never get around to)
A personal reference copied from amikawaiiyet.forumotion.com
Ever since they came out in CS4, I’ve been fascinated by GREP styles and the amazing things you can do with them. The problem One small part of what I do involves setting a mixed Chinese/English publication and I have been on the look out to find some way to use just one base paragraph…
I’m sure the developers at TeamViewer did this the very first time they had their software up and running, but hey, this is the most fun you can have with their software bar none 😉 Just to explain, I connected remotely to a machine of mine, then, from that machine a friend of mine. Finally,…
Link: Clearfix CSS Hack Thanks to Jeff Starr for this /* slightly enhanced, universal clearfix hack */ .clearfix:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: ” “; clear: both; height: 0; } .clearfix { display: inline-block; } /* start commented backslash hack \*/ * html .clearfix { height: 1%; } .clearfix { display: block;…
Link: jsTree jQuery Draggable, Reorderable Tree – looks like it’s pretty much the best one around currently. Anyone know of a better one?
Link: Fantastic Date Range Picker using jQuery UI This would be great as a WordPress plugin for the admin area – I don’t have the requisite skills to make it, but does anyone feel like stepping up to the plate or has anyone already done this?