It’s frustrating how many older Windows programs handle MTP – they simply pretend it doesn’t exist.
I wanted to dedupe some photos and videos between my OnePlus 3 and the files stored in Google Photos/Drive and the otherwise excellent dupeGuru simply didn’t show the OnePlus 3 as a possible target for scanning.
I ended up getting it to work by firing up my Linux Mint 18.1 virtual Machine in VMware Workstation and using a more up-to-date copy dupeGuru in there instead. Even then I had to go through the rigmarole of finding the longer paths for the USB connected OP3 and the shared Folder from VMware that allowed me to access my Windows-based Google Drive folder on the host machine.
OnePlus 3 Path
/var/run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=%5Busb%3A001%2C003%5D/Internal shared storage/DCIM
VMware Shared Folder Path
/mnt/hgfs/U/Users/Luke/Google\ Drive/Google\ Photos/
It seems there are some good reasons for MTP existing — I just wish it wasn’t so horribly broken :/
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