SpinupWP is a great hosting platform for people who want to own their own cloud servers, but not have to worry about running a web stack. It also has a simple feature in the dashboard to enable Basic Authentication for an entire website domain. It cannot, however, do this for just a specific subdirectory (or…
Install libwebp first: Convert all the PNGs to WEBP and touch them to have the same datetime as the original PNG files. Then delete the original PNG files. Putting it alltogether Possible improvements (that I’ll probably never get around to)
Tl;Dr Download and extract poweriso to the user binary directory. curl -o temp-download-delete http://www.poweriso.com/poweriso-1.3-osx.tar.gz && tar -xvzf temp-download-delete -C /usr/local/bin/ && rm temp-download-delete Convert the BIN+CUE to a single ISO file — run this command from the directory in which the BIN+CUE files are stored: poweriso convert ./”Image Name with Spaces.cue” -o ./”Image Name with…
If you’re working on Windows and you need to grab a file from a remote Linux server over SSH, make sure you use Cmder. Once you have Cmder extracted, you can use the Linux command line SCP directly from Windows: You can use this shortcut if you’ve already setup your SSH agent. There is unexplained…
HashCheck is the quickest and easiest way to verify downloaded files on Windows. Originally developed at code.kliu.org, HashCheck was left to languish for since 2009 until @gurnec took over stewardship of this rather excellent piece of software. They’ve updated it to support newer hashing standards such as Once installed you can double click on .md5…
Bang this into cmder. and then this Which will output something like this: You can then download this user-profile.cmd and place it in %CMDER_ROOT%\config\ There are plenty of good reasons why, but I won’t repeat these people’s work. Please read. Refs:
Being able to log into remote servers without remembering each unique password is one of the great things about the public-key system. In Linux this is pretty much expected behaviour, but not so much in Windows. However, if you replace your command line with cmder instead, it’s a simple 3 step procedure. When you next…
It’s frustrating how many older Windows programs handle MTP – they simply pretend it doesn’t exist. I wanted to dedupe some photos and videos between my OnePlus 3 and the files stored in Google Photos/Drive and the otherwise excellent dupeGuru simply didn’t show the OnePlus 3 as a possible target for scanning. I ended up…
I have been envious of the neatness of my friend’s 60% keyboards for some years. I’ve also liked the idea of taking up less desk space and minimising the amount of movement I have to make with my arm when moving from keyboard to mouse. However, whenever I’ve thought about the real-world use of a…